Saturday, December 12, 2009
Punkmonkey Flickr page
Monday, November 23, 2009
The Secret Door on Colors of the Dark
The Philadelphia area artist and musician, Jonathan Canady, was kind enough to mention The Secret Door on his "negative culture" blog, Colors of the Dark. Jon was also kind enough to provide an unreleased song for the soundtrack of The Secret Door. As I've mentioned before, I'm thrilled that my movie is associated with so many talented people and Jon certainly ranks among the best. Having him on the soundtrack is a good "get" as they say.
Check out his blog Colors of the Dark as well as his personal blog, Black White Red, which focuses on his own prolific artistic output.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Thursday, November 12, 2009
November Update for The Secret Door
Editing and compositing are coming along well; so much so that I think we’ll be near the finish line in the next couple of weeks. Some members of The Secret Door family have contacted me recently asking about when they could expect to see the movie. All that I can say is - soon. Be patient.
The Secret Door is finally nearing completion. So, what’s next?
I have a very vague plan to throw a movie premiere/cast party when the film is ready. It all depends on how much money I have at the time and what kind of deal I can get. More details will be forthcoming to all interested parties.
Film festivals are definitely on the Punkmonkey Pictures agenda. I’m interested in exposing the movie to as many industry-type viewers as I can. Hopefully it will get some positive attention. Additionally, I have been talking extensively with a music industry friend about an official release of The Secret Door, probably as a DVD/Soundtrack CD combo. This option looks pretty likely albeit on a limited scale but not until next year, probably in the spring. I will post more about both of these initiatives as the information becomes available.
I guess that’s all I have for now. It doesn’t seem like much of an update for an entire month but there it is. We’re in the final stretch now. Thanks for checking in. Stay tuned.
- Ed
PS - Since I can't have a Secret Door Update without pictures (it's like a rule or something), I've included some behind-the-scenes photos from "the chase" scene. Awesome photos courtesy, as always, of Scott Cameron. I like these pics a lot because "the chase" was so much fun to shoot and looking over them now reminds how much warmer it was then. Man, this film-making thing is time consuming!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Santas Claws and other fun distractions
Work on The Secret Door has slowed done quite a bit lately. As autumn blows by I’m trying to enjoy the season as much as possible before the long dark of winter clutches Allentown in its icy grip. That means I’ve not been working on my movie the past few weekends.
I did some production work for my friend, Luke Ramer, the first weekend of October which was pretty cool and worth mentioning here on my video-production blog. His main project, Under the Rainbow, has been put on hold for a while due to some equipment and budgetary problems (we micro-budget indie filmmakers know all about that) but Luke is a man with a lot of ideas. To keep busy he started another short horror movie intended for web release entitled (I think) Santas Claws. Roughly speaking it’s about an ex-military guy who plays Santa Claus because it makes him happy – because when he’s not happy (ala the Incredible Hulk) he becomes a werewolf and kills people. Santa has a bunch of enemies that pursue him; witches, a cabal of vampires, and a psychopathic killer called The Hunter all seek to destroy our hero.
My role on Santa’s Claws was as key grip, second (b) camera operator and all-around utility guy with a concentration in lighting and practical effects. I think it went pretty well. Here are some photos I lifted from Scott Cameron’s Facebook page.
Speaking of Scott, I’ve mentioned him on my blog before. He and his brothers run a production company nearby in Emmaus, PA, called IO House. He has managed to have been present for nearly all of the shoots I’ve been on recently. In fact, Scott has held a number of important positions on The Secret Door crew, not least of which as visual effects artist. Check out this frame from a special visual effects sequence that he’s working on for the movie. To say that I’m stoked about his contribution is understatement. It promises to be one of the show-stoppers of the production. More on that and other insights on The Secret Door will be revealed in future posts. I‘ll try and post again this month with more of a Secret Door focus. Work may have slowed but it hasn’t stopped entirely. Editing continues, as does the slow and challenging work of building a buzz for my first real indie film which is just beginning.
Monday, September 21, 2009
September Secret Door Update
The Secret Door now has a Myspace page. I hope to make this the official website of the movie. Until I arrange for a swankier url, the listing is .
On this page you'll find regular updates, photos and links to the myspace pages of many of the bands that have contributed songs to The Secret Door soundtrack. There is a song playlist on the page now that features three songs from the movie. Other songs not yet listed were recorded exclusively for The Secret Door and have not been uploaded to Myspace. Check The Secret Door myspace page regularly for new stuff. New behind-the-scenes photos, courtesy of Scott Cameron at, have been uploaded to the Secret Door Myspace page also. They're in the "production stills" album.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
What I Did On My Summer Vacation
For the last couple of days I was pleased to act as a grip on Luke Ramer's new movie. I had to leave early to cram in a quick vacation before the students return for the Fall term next Monday but I plan to rejoin the crew as soon as possible.
Director, Luke Ramer and Assistant Director, Rachael Ingram in "video village"
Actor, Norm Provost in a scene
D.P., Greg Roth checks camera on a dolly
cast and crew get ready for a driveway dolly-shot
My proud attempt at simulating morning sun coming through a kitchen window.
Norm checks out my handiwork.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Punkmonkey Update - New Movie Title and more!
The first big announcement is that I've decided on an official name for the movie. The official title is (drum roll)...The Secret Door. I'm not going to bother trying to explain it. Trust me, it makes sense when thinking about the characters and how they interact with each other, at least it does to me. progresses. I've been shooting nearly every weekend for the last few weeks and the team and I have managed to capture some pretty good stuff. For the next couple of weeks I'll be taking some time off to work on Luke Ramer's new movie, Under the Rainbow, and to get some fishing in before the students come back for the Fall term. I plan to resume shooting at end of August and hopefully finish before the leaves turn. There is still much to do.
The other major news that I'd like to highlight in this week's update is the movie's soundtrack. I've received confirmation from a number of very respected musicians who will be participating in this project. As of today, The Secret Door will boast exclusive tracks from Jonathan Canady (Deadworld, Deathpile, Angel of Decay, Nightmares), Peacemaker (Richard Hoak of Brutal Truth, Total Fucking Destruction, old Head), Requiem (featuring David Graham), and Caution Horses, a collaborative musical project featuring Kevin Hufnagel (Dysrhythmia, Byla), Jeff Eber (Dysrhythmia), Colin Marston (Dysrhythmia, Behold...The Arctopus, Infidel?/Castro!), Christian McKenna (Zodiak, Slacks). We'll also include reused tracks from older releases by Slacks, Byla, Zodiak and the Italian noise purveyors, Iron Molar. I'm thrilled to be associated with any of these fine musicians individually but to have so many willing to help out on this project is a genuine honor. There may be more news regarding the soundtrack but it's still tentative so I'll hold off on further announcements for now. Stay tuned.
If you're interested in hearing some of these very fine musicians, check out their myspace pages.
Thanks for checking in. More will be posted soon.
- Ed
Thursday, July 23, 2009
a few screen-shots to arouse your interest
A big shout-out is necessary to all the actors and crew who’ve worked with me and continue to work with me on this movie. It’s been a great experience so far. Everyone has been very giving with their time and they’ve been very patient with me. Thank you all so much.
Here are the promised screen-shots. Hopefully they will get you fired up to see this movie when it’s eventually finished.
Shoot Day #1Shoot Day #2
Shoot Day #3
Friday, June 26, 2009
Punkmonkey Update
Work is progressing on my new short. At present it bears the working title "Some Good Thing" although that will likely change as I don't love it and I love everything else about the flick. Did I say love? Yes, that's right, and as anyone who knows me can attest, that has never happened before. In fact I usually find more fault with my own work than anyone else can. This time my friends, it's all coming together (for the most part).
To be honest I wish the script was a bit better. I mean, it doesn't sizzle the way a Tarantino or Scorsese script sizzles but it's my first attempt at screen writing. I can't expect to walk with the giants on my first attempt, right? This is not, however, my first attempt at cinematography. I've been honing that shit for a while now and I'm finally beginning to see results that I'm pleased with (all things considered).
So stay tuned. This movie, whatever it's called, is coming soon. I'll have lots more stuff to post about it in the coming weeks and months. We'll probably be shooting all summer and then work starts all over in edit, composites, color, sound mix, and on and on. For now enjoy these production stills, kindly provided by the skilled lens of Scott Cameron at
Thanks for stopping by,
Sunday, June 7, 2009
new movie shooting underway
It looks like I'll be shooting for a while yet so look for a fall or possibly later release.Some Good Thing
written and directed by Ed Ballinger
Gwen....................Samantha Elmer
Maggie.......................Jane Horvath
Mike...........................Desi Stevens
Gabe..............Brian DiBonaventure
The Wisdom Tooth....Gerald Prince
Friday, March 27, 2009
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Cake details
Tagline - The Cake - Purple, Green, and Gold Icing with a romantic filling
View the film:
Margot.................................Samantha Elmer
Tom......................................Dan Maher
Simon...................................Alex Funes
Jessie...................................Robert F. Killion
Black Cat..............................Jane Horvath
Kid on Bike...........................Mason Trauger
Trick or Treater 1.................Marena Trauger
Trick or Treater 2.................Mason Trauger
Spartan Cheerleader...........Jamie Jackson
Fairy....................................Michelle "Micki" Montoro
Baseball Player....................Colleen Johnson
Feathered Friend.................Buddy Thompson
V for Vendetta Extra............Bryan Bocich
Drunk A**hole.....................Sundar J.M. Brown
Producer..............................Steve Cameron
Producer..............................Maher Mahmud
Director................................Dessaline Stevens
Director of Photography.......Ed Ballinger
Writer...................................Vanessa Kimi Mravich
Production Manager.............Steve Cameron
Production Coordinator........Maher Mahmud
Production Designer.............Vanessa Kimi Mravich
1st Assistant Director...........Jim DiCamillo
Camera Operator.................Maher Mahmud
Boom Operator.....................Luke Ramer
Lighting Coordinator.............Ann Marie Rivera
Lighting Technician...............Moses Garcia
Lighting Technician...............Mark Ritchey
Script Supervisor..................Salome Kingsley
Key Hair/Makeup..................Amy Trauger
Location Manager................Jane Horvath
Production Assistant............Buddy Thompson
Production Assistant............Jamie Jackson
P2 Technician.......................Maher Mahmud
Production Stills...................Scott Cameron
BTS Photographer................Alex Funes
Post Production Supervisor..Scott Cameron
Editor...................................Ed Ballinger
Colorist................................Scott Cameron
Sound Designer...................Sean Cameron
Music Coordinator................Dessaline Stevens
Music Coordinator................Ed Ballinger
Special Thanks.....................Joe Horvath
Allentown Film Crew
io house ltd.
Punkmonkey Pictures
Our festival entry, The Cake
The viewing period for LossFest is now open. You can watch The
Allentown Film Crew's entry, The Cake, and follow the discussion.
Direct link to download The Cake
Link to the discussion thread
Link to other LossFest films:
You do not need to be a member of the site to view the short films. However, you do need to
be a member with at least 50 posts to vote.
Monday, March 2, 2009
The Cake is done
For The Cake I took on the roles of Director of Photography and Editor. I can honestly say that I gave it my best effort and I'm reasonably satisfied with the results. Of course things could always be better but for my first time as a DP on a dramatic production, it went pretty well.
More later.